Beef pasture walk June 10
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Beef pasture walk June 10

Nov 02, 2023

SPOONER — The NW Wisconsin Graziers Network and University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension invite everyone to a beef pasture walk hosted by Mike and Marilyn Durand (Durand Family Farm LLC), located 16 miles northwest of Spooner in Burnett County, on Saturday, June 10, from 10 a.m. to noon.

This educational event will emphasize direct marketing of naturally raised Angus beef and Berkshire pork. An on-farm retail store featuring a state-of-the-art point sale checkout platform with scales, barcode label printer and scanner will be featured, as well as a new deli display case. A farm tour of the rotationally grazed paddocks and stress-free cattle-handling facilities will also be included.

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